What is Royal Jelly and serving?


Royal Jelly is the substance that is produced by young bees exclusively for feeding the hive queen. The young queens, workers' calls, produce about 300 grams of this substance that is used to feed the queen bee throughout her life.

Royal Jelly production


It is a substance that gives a lot of strength, size and vitality for reproduction. Thus the queen bees can live up to five years while the workers only last (at most) 45 days. In times, Royal Jelly, was mainly used in traditional Chinese medicine to prevent premature aging of cells as well as a sexual stimulant.

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Royal Jelly contains a good amount of protein, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, mineral substances, among other important for the body. Like This, consists of 66% water, 13% carbohydrate, 12% protein, 5% lipid, 3% vitamin, enzymes and coenzymes and 1% know of minerals. Strong source de vitaminas: vitamina B1, B2, B6, B, C e D.


Royal Jelly is known as being a natural supplement that gives a lot of energy to the body. It is usually used by professional athletes to help regenerate more quickly the body after a great effort. It is recommended for people with poor appetite or who have a physical and / or mental breakdown.

Usually we recommend, in general, 0,5 to 1.00 g daily after breakfast. You can put under your tongue with a spatula attached to the Royal Jelly as can also ingest with about 50 ml of water.

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You should know that should not be diluted with hot drinks (tea, coffee, milk, among others); should not store the Royal Jelly in freezer / glaciers and should keep it always in the same place; and, finally if perhaps freeze the Royal Jelly should not defrost it.


Ps: Currently Royal Jelly (Oriflame) we have available is only for skin and beauty care, edible will be available soon in our shop!

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